Hollanda’da burslu AB semineri detaylı bilgi için devama tıklayınız

dezavantajlı durumdaki gençlerin toplumsal yaşama katılımının geliştirilmesi konulu seminer 11-16 mart tarihlerinde hollanda’da gerçekleştirilecek. streetwise adlı programa türkiye’den seçilecek olanların, tüm masrafları ab ve ulusal ajans tarafından karşılanacak.
activity organised by national agency
summary this tc develops the ability of the participants to be inclusive in their work and to use yia projects for this purpose.
activity date 11.03.2009 – 16.03.2009
activity type training course
target group youth leaders, youth workers
with experience in working with youngsters from a background of social exclusion.
for participants from all youth in action programme countries
group size 25
venue place, venue country ysselsteyn, netherlands
the youth in action program can be a tool to include young people who have difficulties in participating in society in a constructive way.
it takes extra investments to reach these groups or individuals. it even takes more energy and skills to make the experiences of the youth in action program positive. this tc develops the ability of the participants to be inclusive in their work and to use yia projects for this purpose.
arrival: wednesday 11 march 2009 around 16:30. (diner at 17:30h). start program at 19.00
departure: monday 16th march 2009 after breakfast.
youth meeting center ysselsteyn
timmermannsweg 75
5813 am ysselsteyn lb
the netherlands
phone: 0031 – 478 – 54 19 16
costs training, food, lodging will be fully paid by the dutch national agency. contact your na if they will be able to pay your travelcosts.
working language english
organizer na netherlands
deadline 10.02.2009
date of ion 13.02.2009
application to:
na and emyu turkey
00 90 312 409 61 37
hüseyin rahmi sokak no. 2 cankaya 06880 ankara
http://www.ua.gov.tr e-mail: handan.boyar@ua.gov.tr
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