slovenya’nın burs programı
slovenya hükümeti’nce 2009-2010 akademik yılında ikili işbirliği anlaşmaları çerçevesinde, türk öğrencilere burs verilmesi öngörülmektedir.
sözkonusu burslar ile ilgili ayrıntılı bilgilere ve başvuru formuna http://www.cmepius.si internet adresinden ulaşılması mümkündür.
ankara’daki slovenya büyükelçiliğinin notası ekli dosyada yer almaktadır.
burslara son başvuru tarihi 30 nisan 2009’dur.
scholarships of the republic of slovenia for short term individual studies in the academic year 2009/2010
the government of the republic of slovenia again announces a limited number of scholarships for the academic year 2009/10 (1. 10. 2009 till 30. 9. 2010).
deadline for applications: 30. april 2009.
the majority of scholarships are reserved for the citizens of the countries with which a bilateral agreement/programme on scholarship exchanges (quotas) has been signed with: belgium – flanders, bulgaria, czech republic, croatia, egypt, greece, hungary, italy, israel, japan, mexico, poland, pr of china, russian federation, slovakia, switzerland and turkey.
a limited number of scholarship months are reserved also for the candidates from bosnia and herzegovina, fyrom, montenegro and serbia.
the scholarships are open to foreign (in priority postgraduate) students who wish to come to slovenia as a visiting student for up to 10 months (depends on quota and ion). the main purpose of the scholarship scheme is to support foreign students who wish to undertake a part of their postgraduate study on the individual basis under the supervision of slovenian professor.
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